small gov


  • Effectively executing government reforms and policy initiatives on land & Mineral resources
  • Provide outstanding administrative and facilitative services to our partner without compromising the relevant legislation and policies
  • Strengthening capacities and Awareness on sustainable land management and Mineral extraction.
  • Develop, implement and monitor national policies, strategies, and action plans to mitigate land degradation.
  • Adaptation to the adverse effects of land degradation
  • Implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) to reduce land degradation
  • All committee matters related to land degradation and sustainable land management
  • Preparation and updating of national reports on land degradation in Sri Lanka
  • Activities related to maintaining a database for land degradation, desertification and sustainable land resource management in Sri Lanka and organizing workshops and awareness tools on it.
  • Organizing activities to commemorate World Desertification Day
  • Coordinating projects related to sustainable land management
  • Coordinating with the Secretariat and other agencies of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Desertification, Activation of the Convention and its Benefits to the Country
  • Awareness raising for all parties on land resources and prevention of land degradation, capacity building and financing
  • Dealing with Ordinances, Circulars and Policies related to the management of mineral resources
  • Requests made to the Ministry regarding sand, granite, gravel and clay used for construction purposes, and taking necessary action regarding complaints.
  • Dealing with project proposals related to mineral resource development
  • Coordinating the Committees appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers for Mineral Related Activities and Obtaining the Approval of the Minister in charge of the Subject Minerals Act
  • Functions related to Mineral Investment Agreements - Licensing Activities
  • Take action to identify the minerals found in Sri Lanka, quantitatively analyze them and calculate their economic value.
  • Environmental impact assessment activities related to mineral resource related projects
  • Conducting value-added feasibility studies for minerals found in Sri Lanka, gathering relevant market information and taking necessary measures for their sustainable use in a way that maximizes their contribution to the national manufacturing process.

Our Team

Mrs. Nilmini Wicramarachchi

Mrs. Himali De Costa
Assistant Director

mrs salgamuwaMrs. Sepali De Silva 
Assistant Director